Formulasi Ekstrak Ulva sp Dengan Bahan Aktif Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) Dan Bakteri Endofit Sebagai Biostimulan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L)

  • Kode Repository : SKB06/WAS/20
  • NPM : 061116005
  • Nama : Mira Wastu Merliana
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dra.Tri Saptari Haryani,M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Dr.Dwi Ningsih Susilowati, S.TP,M.Si
  • Abstrak : -Formulasi Ekstrak Ulva sp dengan Bahan Aktif Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) dan Bakteri Endofit Sebagai Biostimulan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L). ( ) Alamat Koresponden : ABSTRACT Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) have the potential and benefits so that the demand for onions increases with increasing population. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the concentration of Dark septate endophytes (DSE) extracts and endophytic bacteria as biostimulants of Ulva sp extract to increase the growth of shallot plants. Biostimulants are organic materials other than nutrients that are given in small amounts to enhance plant growth and development. The research method uses the Drying method with 5 treatments each treatment repeated 3 times. The results of the study based on bacterial screening and screening of endophytic bacterial concentrations with the E-136 code 1.5% concentration showed a better effect in increasing the growth of onion plants. Whereas based on the results of fungal screening and concentration screening, it was shown that the TKS code 2.3.4 concentration of 3.75% showed a better effect on increasing the growth of shallots. This is influenced by the phytohormone content found in endophytic fungi and endophytic bacteria. So that the endophytic bacteria code E-136 concentration 1.5% and endophytic fungi TKS code 2.3.4 concentration 3.75% statistically P <0.05 shows a more effective effect to increase the growth of shallot plants. Keywords: Ulva sp, Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE), Endophytic Bacteria, Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L).
  • Program Studi : Biologi