Metode Pengawetan Sampel air Limbah Untuk Analisis Kadar Intrit (No2) Dengan Penambahan Amoksilin

  • Kode Repository : SKK/ /FIT/20
  • NPM : 062116046
  • Nama : Fitri Hanifah
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Sutanto, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Yulian Syahputri, M.Si
  • Abstrak : -METODE PENGAWETAN SAMPEL AIR LIMBAH UNTUK ANALISIS KADAR NITRIT (NO2-) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN AMOKSISILIN Dr. Sutanto, M.Si, Yulian Syahputri, M.Si, Fitri Hanifah Program Studi Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Pakuan Bogor ABSTRACT As the development of industrial sector, government tightened up regulations to keep the environmental safety. One of requirements to fulfill the regulations is to test the wastewater to independent services laboratory. But, the services laboratory might be find obstacles to get a valid data. One of the obstacles is a short holding time for samples that have decided by standards. Nitrite Ion (NO2-) is a parameter that has short holding time. This study is to determine the holding time of sample, a study was conducted with variations in temperature, variations in sample bottle and variations concentration of chemical preservative. The research method consist of analysis in laboratory, data analysis to determine sample’s holding time by reaction kinetics calculation of zero order or one order, and statistics method ANOVA. Sample tested wastewater quality first with some parameters there are temperature, pH, total dissolve solids, total suspended solids, ammonia, nitrite ion, nitrate ion, and total coliform. Then samples prepared without preservative and by adding amoxicillin as chemical preservative with concentration 0,1 ppm; 0,3 ppm; and 0,5 ppm. Each sample are stored in 2 kinds of temperature, ie 4oC and room temperature. Also stored in 2 kinds of bottles, ie brown bottle and plastic bottle. The research did by measuring the concentrations of ammonia, nitrite ion, and nitrate ion in samples for 10 days with one day time interval. Each analysis did twice/duplo. Sample’s holding time is a time that needed to change 10% concentration, and it counted by degradation rate constant and t90. Based on study show that kind of bottles, temperature, and chemical preservation concentration may affect to the sample holding time. The best sample preservation method of wastewater is putting sample inside brown bottle by amoxicillin 0,5 ppm addition with storage temperature at 4oC. By this preservation method the degradation rate constant was obtained 0,0008 (mg/L)/hour and the wastewater sample holding time was obtained for 130 hours. Key words : Holding Time, Nitrite, Preservative, Wastewater
  • Program Studi : Kimia