Karakteristik Tepung Biji Alpukat (Persea americana, Mill) Metode Perendaman Dengan Natrium Metabisulfit, Asam Askorbat dan Asam Sitrat

  • Kode Repository : SKK /NUR/16
  • NPM : 062112042
  • Nama : Nur Kamari Putri
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Ade Heri Mulyati, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Diana Widiastuti,. M.Sc
  • Abstrak : -KARAKTERISTIK TEPUNG BIJI ALPUKAT (Persea americana, Mill) METODE PERENDAMAN DENGAN NATRIUM METABISULFIT, ASAM ASKORBAT DAN ASAM SITRAT Nur Kamari Fitri, Ade Heri Mulyati, Diana Widiastuti nurkamari94@gmail.com, adeherimulyati@yahoo.com, dianawidi25@gmail.com Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pakuan Abstract. Avocado seeds until now only be disposed of as waste which could cause environmental pollution when the seeds of avocado has the potential to be developed into flour with a high nutritional quality. Utilization of avocado seed as flour can reduce the use of wheat flour so as to create a national food security. In the avocado seed processing ie when there are obstacles smashed avocado seed quickly produce a brown color so the flour produced was also a bit of chocolate. To produce flour avocado seed with white, required special treatment on starch processing avocado seed by soaking in an anti-browning namely sodium metabisulfite, ascorbic acid and citric acid in order to obtain flour avocado seed with color white according to SNI Flour 3751: 2009. The study was conducted with determination avocado seed, manufacture marinade solution of sodium metabisulphite, ascorbic acid and citric acid at a concentration of 2000 ppm. Furthermore avocado seed soaking for 24 hours, heated in an oven at 60 ° C, mashed with a blender and sieved at 80 mesh avocado seed flour produced, their quality is determined by the physical characteristics, chemistry, and microbiology. The physical characteristics through a test smell, taste, texture and color. Chemical characteristics through the test moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and tannins. Microbiological characteristics through the test of total plate count. Results Physical Characteristics A sample color parameters: 7527 U, B: 7528 U, C: 482 U, D: 4755 U, the color parameters is done by comparing the color on the standard Pantone color coated. The scents parameters sample A, B, C, and D produces aroma Typical Avocado Seed. The texture parameters sample A, B, C, and D produces a fine powder texture. Parameter taste sample A, B, C, and D produces a bitter taste. The results of the chemical characteristics of the water content of the sample parameters A: 7:44%, B: 7.74%, C: 7:01%, D: 6:25%. A sample ash content: 0.35% B: 0.48%, C: 0.30%, D: 1.17%. A sample fat content: 2.31%, B: 2.29%, C: 2.56% D 2.98%. The protein content of the sample A: 7,77%, B: 11.97%, C: 10.92%, D: 7.45%. A sample carbohydrate levels: 86.59%, B: 78.23%, C: 81.63%, D: 84.13%. Dietary fiber content of the sample A: 1.79% B: 1.99%, C: 1.76%, D: 2.05%. The results of the microbiological characteristics of sample A: 2.50 x 101, B: 3.00 x 101, C: 2.55 x 102, D: 5.00 x 101. From the overall chemical and microbiological characteristics data avocado seed flour suitably qualified to SNI Flour 3751: 2009. A bitter taste in the avocado seed flour due to high levels of tannins. The results of the analysis of the levels of tannins in the avocado seed flour on sample A: 1037.54 ppm, B: 1026.01 ppm, C: 1033.64 ppm, D: 1044.53 ppm. Description: A: Sodium metabisulphite, B: ascorbic acid, C: Citric Acid, D: Without soaking Keywords: avocado seeds, browning effect, sodium metabisulfite, ascorbic acid, citric acid, tannin
  • Program Studi : Kimia