Kajian Efek Samping Penggunaan Antidiabetik Pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Disease IntalasiRawat Inap di RSUP Fatmawati Periode 2015-2019

  • Kode Repository : SKF90/MER/21
  • NPM : 066116290
  • Nama : Meri Aprilia
  • Pembimbing 1 : -dr. M. Naufal Muharram Nurdin, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -apt. Emy Octaviani, M.Clin., Pharm
  • Abstrak : -STUDY OF SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTIDIABETIC USAGE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS IN INSTALLATION FATMAWATI HOSPITAL PERIOD 2015-2019 Meri Aprilia, S.Farm1), dr. Naufal Muharram Nurdin, M.Si2), dan apt. Emy Oktaviani M.Clin.Pharm3) Departemen Gizi Masyarakat – Institusi Pertaniaan Bogor Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas MIPA – Universitas Pakuan Email: Meriaprilia0704@gmail.com ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that is related to blood glucose levels exceeding normal limits. This study aims to look at the incidence of the use of antidabetic and seen from the use of antidiabetic which shows side effects that cause the effects of drugs that report type II diabetes mellitus with chronic kidney disorders during treatment at Fatmawati hospital. This study is an observational study with a retrospective cohort study design using secondary data from patient medical records. The results of this study showed that as many as 94 samples met the inclusion criteria in which female patients were more dominant than male patients by 58.5% and in general patients aged 40-60 years were 74.5%. The most common complications were macrovascular complications, as much as 74.5%. Komplikasi yang paling sering terjadi yaitu komplikasi makrovaskular sebanyak 74,5%. The most common complications were macrovascular complications, as much as 74.5%. The pattern of use of the most commonly used antidiabetic drugs is a combination of insulin glargine and insulin aspart, which is around 17%. In the use of antidiabetic drugs which caused the side effects of using a combination of insulin aspart and insulin glargine as much as 19.1%. Keywords: Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disorders, Drug Side Effects (ESO)
  • Program Studi : Farmasi