Optimasi Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi Oleamida Berbahan Baku High Acid Crude Palm Oil Dengan Menggunakan Katalis Magnesium Oksida

  • Kode Repository : SKK30AKL/22
  • NPM : 062120708
  • Nama : Aklima
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Ade Heri Mulyati, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Gina Librina N, S.Si., M.T.
  • Abstrak : -1 OPTIMASI SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI OLEAMIDA BERBAHAN BAKU HIGH ACID CRUDE PALM OIL DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN KATALIS MAGNESIUM OKSIDAā€¯ (THE OPTIMIZATIONS SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF OLEAMIDE FROM HIGH ACID CRUDE PALM OIL USING MAGNESIUM OXIDE AS A CATALYST) Nadjamoeddin, Gina Libria1, Ade Heri Mulyati2 & Aklima2 1Laboratorium Kimia SMK-SMAK Bogor 2Kimia FMIPA Universitas Pakuan Bogor Abstrak High acid crude palm oil merupakan salah satu limbah dari proses pengolahan minyak sawit yang mengandung asam lemak bebas yang tinggi. HACPO dapat direaksikan dengan monoetanolamina membentuk asam lemak amida yaitu oleamida. Oleamida banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri sebagai surfaktan. Karakterisasi HACPO yang dilakukan adalah bilangan asam, asam lemak bebas, bilangan penyabunan, bilangan iodin, kadar air, densitas dan viskositas. Sintesis oleamida menggunakan teknik one pot reaction dilakukan dengan mereaksikan HACPO dan monoetanolamina dengan perbandingan molar 1:1 lalu ditambahkan katalis MgO dengan variasi konsentrasi 0,5%, 1.0% dan 1,5%. Campuran dipanaskan pada microwave dengan daya low, medium dan high selama 6, 9 dan 12 menit. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Karakterisasi menggunakan GC-MS diperoleh hasil optimum pada sintesis dengan penambahan katalis 1,0% yang dipanaskan dengan daya medium selama 12 menit dengan % area oleamida 7,12%, waktu retensi 10,29 menit dengan spektrum MS menunjukkan fragmentasi pada m/z 41, 59 dan 72 dan 281. Karakterisasi menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan pada variasi tersebut terbentuknya ikatan amida. Kata Kunci: HACPO, Oleamida, MgO, FT-IR, GC-MS Abstract High acid crude palm oil is one of the wastes obtained from the palm oil processing process which contains high free fatty acids. HACPO can be reacted with monoethanolamine to form an amide fatty acid, which is oleamide. Oleamide is widely used in industry as a surfactant. The characterization of HACPO conducted were the acid number, free fatty acid content, saponification number, iodine number tests, testing of water content, density and viscosity. the synthesis of fatty acid amides using the one pot reaction technique is carried out by reacting HACPO with monoethanolamine with a molar ratio of 1:1 and then adding MgO as a catalyst with a concentration variation of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%. The mixture was then heated in a microwave on low, medium and high power for 6, 9 and 12 minutes. The test design was carried out based on the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method. The characterization with GC-MS, the optimum results were obtained in the synthesis with the addition of a 1.0% catalyst which was heated with medium power for 12 minutes with oleamide area percentage of 7.12% and time retention of 10.29 minutes with the MS spectrum showing fragmentation at m/z 41, 59 and 72 and 281. The FTIR test showed that in such variation amide bond is formed. Keywords: HACPO, Oleamide, MgO, FT-IR, GC-MS
  • Program Studi : Kimia