Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Komptensi Budaya Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Menggunakan Path Analysis dan Sitorem
Kode Repository :SKM11/FIT/23
NPM :064118006
Nama :Fitriani Hanipah
Pembimbing 1 :-Prof. Dr. Sri Setyaningsih, M.Si
Pembimbing 2 :-Maya Widiastiti, M.Si
Abstrak :Fitriani Hanipah1
, Sri Setyaningsih2
, Maya Widyastiti3
1,2,3Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Pakuan
Abstract: The success of a company in achieving its goals cannot be separated from the
role and performance of the employees within it. In improving employee performance
through competency, work culture and work motivation using path analysis and
SITOREM. This path analysis is used to analyze the magnitude of the influence between
variables not only directly but also indirectly, while SITOREM analysis is used to identify
variables for carrying out "Operation Research". Path analysis and SITOREM analysis is
a combination method that combines the path analysis method, the results of which are
strengthened using SITOREM analysis. Through SITOREM analysis, the results of the
path analysis method are analyzed in more detail on research variable indicators, so that
indicators can be found that need to be corrected immediately. and maintained or
developed. Based on this research, it can be concluded that there is a direct relationship
between employee performance, competence, work culture and work motivation.
Indicators that need to be improved are: (1) Handling work obstacles (2) Preparing work
reports (3) Assistance from colleagues (4) Rewards (5) Building expertise (6) Driving
force (7) Prioritizing quality (8) Sense of belonging (9 ) Skills (10) Attitude (11) Quality
of work, and (12) Punctuality.
Keywords: Employee Performance, Path Analysis, SITOREM