Optimasi Komposisi Sakarifikasi Pulplimbah Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria) Dengan Respon Surface Methodology Pada Pembuatan Bioetanol

  • Kode Repository : SKK31/IND/19
  • NPM : 062113052
  • Nama : Indri Lestari
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Ina Winarni, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Dra. Tri Aminingsih, M.Si
  • Abstrak : -OPTIMASI KOMPOSISI SAKARIFIKASI PULP LIMBAH KAYU SENGON (Paraserianthes falcataria) DENGAN RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY PADA PEMBUATAN BIOETANOL (Optimization Of The Saccharification Composition Of Waste Wood Pulp Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) By Response Surface Method of Making Bioethanol) Indri Lestari1, Dra. Tri Aminingsih, M.Si1, & Dr. Ina Winarni, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D2 1Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan P.O Box 452, Bogor, 1660 2Balai Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Jl.Gunung Batu No.5, Bogor 16610, Telp (0251) 8633378, Fax (0251) 86333413 Indrilestari305@gmail.com ABSTRACT Fuel oil consumption is increasing but availability decreases. Needed alternative renewable energy like bio-ethanol from biomass. One of them is the wood waste that contains cellulose sengon high enough potential to be used as bio-ethanol. Bioethanol is obtained through a process of saccharification, fermentation and distillation. Data saccharification was conducted by RSM enzymes and surfactants tween20 appropriate concentration and tested the results of RSM pereduksinya sugar using DNS method. Results showed treatment substrate concentration of 42.9%, the enzyme cellulase 15 FPU / g substrate and tween20 2.8%, the highest yield reducing sugars 495,627mg / mL and produce the best ethanol content is equal to 20, 05% with a yield of 62.12%. It can be concluded that the optimum composition RSM method produces optimal results. Keywords: Waste Wood Sengon, Bioethanol, RSM, Cellulose
  • Program Studi : Kimia