Pengklasifikasian Judul Buku Bidang Ilmu Komputer Menggunakan Rapidminer Dengan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor

  • Kode Repository : SKI14/ADI/20
  • NPM : 065113251
  • Nama : Adirama Lesmana Putra
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr.Sri Setyaningsih,M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Boldson H.S.,S.Kom.,MMSI
  • Abstrak : -PENGKLASIFIKASIAN JUDUL BUKU BIDANG ILMU KOMPUTER MENGGUNAKAN RAPIDMINER DENGAN METODE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR Adirama Lesmana Putra1) , Sri Setyaningsih2) , Boldson Herdianto Situmorang3) 1)2)3) Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pakuan Bogor 1), 2), 2) Abstract Books are an unlimited source of knowledge such as the window to the world, while with the rapid development of technology, books are still needed in some circles of students, lecturers and students looking for relevant information. Books in computer science are still not classified in the viewpoints of the public, students, lecturers. The problem of the difficulty of finding a book will be solved using the right method and can classify the title of the book along with its description. TFIDF, Cosine Similiarity algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbor method are the solution to this problem. The process of retrieving book title data using the web scraping method and calculating the classification using the Rapidminer application. The information obtained consists of the end which will be shown on a website that has been prepared previously making it easier for users to find the title of the book that is expected. The validation trial results showed an average precision of 79.25%, 95.25% recall, and an accuracy of 97.25%. Keywords : TF-IDF, algorithm Cosine Similiarity, K-Nearest Neighbor, Rapidminer
  • Program Studi : Ilmu Komputer