Pemanfaatan Onggok Singkong (Manihot esculenta) Sebagai Media Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Tanaman Jamur Kuping (Aurcularia polytricha)

  • Kode Repository : SKB /NIA/18
  • NPM : 061114002
  • Nama : Nia Afriyanti
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Ir. Sri Wiedarti, MS
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Dra. Tri Saptari H., M.Si
  • Abstrak : -PEMANFAATAN ONGGOK SINGKONG (Manihot esculenta) SEBAGAI MEDIA PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN JAMUR KUPING (Auricularia polytricha) Afriyanti, Nia., Tri Saptari Haryani., Sri Wiedarti. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam ABSTRACT Onggok is one of the solid waste from processing cassava into tapioca flour. This onggok includes solid waste which often causes environmental problems, because of the potential as pollutants in the surrounding environment such as air pollution (odor). Cassava onggok has a high carbohydrate content of 50-70%. Nutrient content of cassava is carbohydrate 87.24%, Ca 0.31%, P 0.05%, protein 1.28%, crude fiber 8.92%, ash 2.01%, citric acid 5.56%. Ear Mushrooms can grow on media containing nutrients needed for growth, namely cellulose or carbohydrates. Observations and measurements on mycelium growth rate, number of fruit bodies, wet weight and hood diameter showed that the formulation of 100 grams of cassava and 400 grams of main ingredients (sengon wood powder, bran, lime, cast and corn flour) were the most effective treatments for used as an alternative as a mushroom growing medium with an average mycelium velocity of 6.9 cm, the number of fruit bodies of 7.6, a wet weight of 60 grams and a diameter of a hood of 7.9 cm. Keywords: Cassava Onggok, Ear Mushrooms.
  • Program Studi : Biologi