Perbandingan Metode Penetapan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Dalam Air Limbah Dengan Spectrodirect Dan Metode Standar SNI

  • Kode Repository : SKK09/THR/21
  • NPM : 062117071
  • Nama : Threcia Valentina
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Sutanto, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Uswatun husanah M.Si
  • Abstrak : -PERBANDINGAN METODE PENETAPAN CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) DALAM AIR LIMBAH DENGAN SPECTRODIRECT DAN METODE STANDAR SNI Threcia Valentina Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Pakuan Email: Abstrak Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) merupakan parameter yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan pencemaran bahan organik pada air limbah. COD adalah jumlah oksigen (mg O2) yang diperlukan agar bahan-bahan organik yang ada di dalam air dapat teroksidasi melalui reaksi kimia. Penentuan COD dapat dilakukan menggunakan titrimetri dan spektrofotometri, penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan dengan metode spectrodirect yang merupakan adopsi dari kolorimetri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis COD dalam limbah cair secara Spectrodirect kemudian dibandingkan batas keberterimaannya dan uji beda nyata dengan metode standar. Pengujian dilakukan dengan sampel tiga level konsentrasi berbeda yaitu konsentrasi tinggi sampel air limbah industri, konsentrasi sedang air limbah domestik, dan konsentrasi rendah air sungai. Evaluasi hasil didasarkan nilai presisi yaitu nilai % RSD dan akurasi didasarkan nilai rekoveri (R). Perbandingan hasil pengujian juga dilakukan dengan uji F. Hasil uji COD pada metode titrimetri, spektrofotometri UV-VIS, dan spectrodirect pada tiga level konsentrasi memenuhi batas keberterimaan presisi dan akurasi menurut Standar Nasional Indonesia yaitu uji presisi % RSD < 10 % dan uji akurasi 90 % < %R < 110 %. Hasil uji beda pada sampel air limbah industri disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode spectrodirect dengan metode titrimetri Fhitung > Ftabel dan thitung > ttabel namun tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode spectrodirect dengan metode spektrofotometri UV-VIS Fhitung Ftabel dan thitung > ttabel namun tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode spectrodirect dengan metode spektrofotometri UV-VIS Fhitung Ftabel dan thitung > ttabel dan perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode spectrodirect dengan metode spektrofotometri UV-VIS Fhitung > Ftabel dan thitung > ttabel. Kata Kunci: Air Limbah, COD, Spectrodirect, Spektrofotometri UV-VIS, Titrimetri Abstract Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a parameter used to describe the pollution of organic matter in wastewater. COD is the amount of oxygen (mg O2) required so that the organic materials in the water can be oxidized through chemical reactions. Determination of COD can be done using titrimetry and spectrophotometry, this research was developed using the spectrodirect method which is the adoption of colorimetry. The purpose of this study was to analyze the COD in liquid waste by Spectrodirect then compare its acceptability limit and test the real difference with the standard method. The test was carried out with samples of three different concentration levels, namely high concentrations of industrial wastewater samples, medium concentrations of domestic wastewater, and low concentrations of river water. The evaluation of the results is based on the precision value, namely the % RSD value and the accuracy is based on the recovery value (R). Comparison of test results was also carried out with the F test. The results of the COD test on the titrimetric, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, and spectrodirect methods at three concentration levels met the acceptable limits of precision and accuracy according to the Indonesian National Standard, namely the % RSD <10% precision test and the 90% accuracy test <%R <110%. The results of different tests on industrial wastewater samples concluded that there was a significant difference between the spectrodirect method and the titrimetric method Fcount > Ftable and tcount > ttable but there was no significant difference between the spectrodirect method and the UV-VIS spectrophotometric method Fcount< Ftable and tcount< ttable. The results of the different tests on domestic wastewater samples concluded that there was a significant difference between the spectrodirect method and the titrimetric method Fcount > Ftable and t> ttable, but there was no significant difference between the methods spectrodirect by spectrophotometric method UV-VIS Farithmetic Ftable and tcount > ttable and there is a significant difference between the spectrodirect method and the UV-VIS spectrophotometric method. Fcount > Ftable and tcount > ttable. Keywords: Wastewater, COD, Spectrodirect, UV-VIS Spectrophotometry, Titrimetry
  • Program Studi : Kimia