Stabilitas Parasetamol Sirup Pada Berbagai Kondisi Penyimpanan Metode LOCMS/MS

  • Kode Repository : SKK04/OKT/2021
  • NPM : 062116019
  • Nama : Okta Dewi Permatasari
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Siti Warnasih, M.Si
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Drs. Agus Taufiq, M.Si
  • Abstrak : -Stabilitas Parasetamol Sirup Pada Berbagai Kondisi Penyimpanan Metode LCMS/MS Drs. Agus Taufik, M.Si, Siti Warnasih, M.Si, Okta Dewi Permatasari Program Studi Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Pakuan Bogor ABSTRACT Pain is one of the health problems in society, one of the drugs used to reduce pain without losing awareness is analgesic, where paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic which is popularly used by infants, childrens, adults and elderly. Parasetamol syrup is usually used for children or patients who cannot swallow the drug, the use of paracetamol syrup is usually not drunk until it runs out, so many consumers to save the remains of the drug. However, many consumers do not maintain the prescribed storage conditions resulting in various product degradations. This study to determine the decrease of paracetamol in syrup at various temperatures, storage time with open and closed packages, and to identify degradation products of chemical compounds in the preparation. The research method for stability of paracetamol in syrup using LCMS includes: taking the drug sample, then the stability test was carried out with various storage conditions, the sample were tested for quality at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 including organoleptic analysis, determination pH value, specific gravity, microbial test, system suitability, and paracetamol content. The data obtained was determined by the reaction rate substitution method and plot graphs so the drug rate degradation can be known. Determination of the detection of chemical compound using a mass spectrometer was carried out on the sample stability test weeks 0 and 4. The analysis results obtained are in accordance with required specifications, paracetamol syrup was more stable stored at cold temperature (5oC ± 3oC) with open or closed packages. When compared with the quality standard paracetamol syrup can be stored in various storage conditions, however as the storage period increases, sign of degradation begin to appear and several chemical compounds that have been degradated are identified at room temperature storage condition (30oC ± 2oC) and extreme temperatures (40oC ± 2oC) is 5-methoxyfurfural dan 4-hydroxyacetophenone that are still safe to consume within certain limits, while still paying attention to storage conditions would stop the degradation process, so the drug can still be consumed in the long term. Keyword: Parasetamol, Stability, Degradation, LCMS/MS
  • Program Studi : Kimia