Sistem keamanan kotak amal menggunakan sensor berbasis mikrokontroler menggunakan smartphone

  • Kode Repository : SKI100/AND/19
  • NPM : 065113443
  • Nama : Andriansyah wijaya
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Sri Setyaningsih,Dra.,M.Si.
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Dr. Andi Chairunnas, M.Kom., M.Pd
  • Abstrak : -SISTEM KEAMANAN KOTAK AMAL MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER MENGGUNAKAN SMARTPHONE Andriansyah Wijaya1, Dr.Sri Setyaningsih, M.Si2, Andi Chairurrnas, S.Kom., M.Pd., M.Kom3 1Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, 2,3Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Pakuan Jl. Pakuan, P.O Box 452, Bogor-Jawa Barat Telp. (0251) 8363419, Fax : (0251) 8356927 E-mail : Andriansyahwjy95@gmail.com1, Srisetyaningsih@yahoo.com2, Andichairurrnas ABSTRAK From the research results can be seen that the precision dispenser can provide accuracy on the filling glass with two categories glass beasar and small glass with the help of water flow sensor count how many liters of water out of the dispenser presented in a glass. Currently operating the dispenser still with the manual system, it is very necessary attention to minimize the occurrence of a glass that can not hold water. If it continues to be left then it can be considered less effective and efficient overall this tool through three stages of the process of input, process unit, output. And its use as a process unit is ino Uno ATmega328 and as output used servo help to unscrew the tap dispenser which helps this system work automatically and water flowing is not wasted. Kata kunci :Kotak Amal, Arduino Uno ATmega328, Sensor SW420, GSM Shield.
  • Program Studi : Ilmu Komputer