Dekafeinasi Kaskara Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora L.)Dengan Enzim Bromelin Menggunakan Metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

  • Kode Repository : SKF80 /MUN/22
  • NPM : 066118257
  • Nama : Munifa Putri Utami
  • Pembimbing 1 : -apt. Novi Fajar Utami, M.Farm
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Sara Nurmala, M.Farm
  • Abstrak : -Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Volume x, Issue x, Page xx – xx DOI: e-ISSN: 2621-4814 INTRODUCTION Introduction Indonesia is one of the fourth countries in the world with the most coffee producers, with an average of 6.07 % of the total world output. In 2021, the supply of coffee in Indonesia will reach 795 thousand tons consumption of 370 thousand tons (ICO, 2021) . From the high production of coffee in Indonesia, it will produce waste in the form of high non-bean parts, one of which is coffee husk or cascara. The amount of coffee skin produced reaches 40-45%. Robusta coffee cascara (Coffea canephora L.) contains compounds consisting of 1.8-8.56% tannin, 6.5% pectin, 1.3% caffeine, 2.6% chlorogenic acid, 1.6% caffeic acid., 43% total anthocyanins ( cyanidine, delpinidin, cyanidin 3-glycoside, delpinidine 3-glycoside, and pelargonidine 3-glycoside ) (Garis et al ., 2019 & Esquivel & Jiménez, 2012 ) . According to Farah (2012) states that coffee with the highest caffeine content is Robusta coffee with a caffeine content of 1.5 -2.5 g/100g. Utilization of coffee beans has been widely carried out, while the skin of the fruit and coffee leaves which also contain caffeine compounds is still not fully utilized, especially as raw materials for medicine (Dewi et al ., 2017) . The high levels of caffeine in coffee cause some patients who are intolerant to caffeine, apart from being an alternative treatment, because it has a negative impact on health, including causing insomnia, increased fast heart rate, increased blood pressure, nausea, and anxiety . Sihotang, 2019) . To minimize the negative impact of the effects resulting from coffee that has a low tolerance for caffeine, that is by lowering the caffeine content in coffee. One of the methods used to reduce caffeine levels in coffee is by decaffeinating (Mayningsih et al ., 2017). One of the decaffeination methods that can be used is decaffeination using enzymes. Alternative enzymes that can be used in decaffeination include papain and bromelain enzymes (Saloko et al ., 2020) . Ratnaningsih (2015) conducted a decaffeination study using bromelain enzymes from pineapples (2015) showing that the use of crude extracts of bromelain enzymes from pineapple peels in the decaffeination process of robusta coffee beans with a concentration of 30% of the sample weight for 36 hours can reduce caffeine levels by up to 93%. Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) contains enzymes that can accelerate the process of releasing mucus during the Improvement of Robusta Coffee Skin From Bogor Regency Toward Reducing Caffeine Levels Novi Fajar Utami* Sara Nurmala Munifa Putri Utami Departement of Pharmacy, Universitas Pakuan, Bogor , West Java, Indonesia *email: Keywords: Cascara of Robusta Coffee Decaffeination RSM Bromealin enzyme Abstract Robusta coffee ( Coffea canephora L. ) is one of the plantation commodities that is widely cultivated in Indonesia, which occupies the fourth country in the world with the most coffee producers. From the high amount of coffee production, it produces waste in the form of non-bean parts, one of which is coffee husk or cascara . Cascara in Robusta coffee ( Coffea canephora L. ) has a caffeine content of 1.3%. The use of cascara as an alternative treatment is still rarely used. Some patients who are intolerant to caffeine can have a negative impact on health. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce caffeine levels by decaffeinating using the bromelain enzyme. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum concentration and time for decreasing the caffeine content of robusta coffee cascara from Bogor Regency with the bromelain enzyme using Response Surface Methodology . ( RSM ). The results showed that at 30% enzyme concentration at 24 hours incubation time, the highest percentage of caffeine reduction was 4.6676 %. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the bromelain enzyme concentration variable and incubation time had a significant effect on the percent reduction in levels of caffeine content in robusta coffee cascara. Received: Month Year Accepted: Month Year Published: Month Year © year The Authors. Published by Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. This is Open Access article under the CC-BY-SA License ( DOI:
  • Program Studi : Farmasi