Penerapan Teknologi Firabase Database Realtime Pada Pengelolaan Pemakaman di Tempat Pemakaman Umum Sirnalaya 1 Cianjur Berbasis Mobile Application

  • Kode Repository : SKI134ENA/19
  • NPM : 065114343
  • Nama : Endah Putri Sriwahyuni
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dr. Andi Chairunnas,S.Kom.,M.Pd., M.Kom
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Aries Maesya M.Kom
  • Abstrak : -PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI FIREBASE DATABASE REALTIME PADA PENGELOLAAN PEMAKAMAN DI TEMPAT PEMAKAMAN UMUM SIRNALAYA 1 CIANJUR BERBASIS MOBILE APPLICATION Endah Putri Sriwahyuni1, Andi Chairunnas2, Aries Maesya3 1, 2 & 3)Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, FMIPA, Universitas Pakuan Bogor 1), 2) ,3) Abstact In this modern era, technological developments continue to be improved in a variety of fields. Same thing with the increasing population and the number of deaths. Thus the cemetery management process should be improved. Start of the process of finding vacant land information and land bookings tomb can be done quickly and practical. One sample at the Sirnalaya 1 Cianjur public cemetery, the process of searching for vacant land and reserve land is still in a manner that is attendant and the user manual should look for vacant land and ordered directly to the cemetery. Therefore, when the funeral business process management is less effective in saving time and not computerized. The purpose of this research is to develop an application that can help in the management of the cemetery by using a technology called "firebase realtime database". Where the application will be made to use cloud computing technology. Use of firebase aims to transfer data in realtime, so the process of finding vacant land and land bookings tomb using the application will be easier and faster to do anytime and anywhere. The results of this study is to demonstrate that the application has been made to facilitate the user in the process of ordering graves in cemetery Sirnalaya 1 Cianjur can be more effective and efficient. Keywords : Firebase Realtime Database, Android platform, Cemeteries, PIECES.
  • Program Studi : Ilmu Komputer