Formulasi HydroGel Face Mask Yang Mengandung Cangkang Telur Ayam Negeri Dengan Perbedaan Konsentrasi Natrium Alginat

  • Kode Repository : SKF99/RAC/19
  • NPM : 066115237
  • Nama : Rachmah Pravita Anggraeni
  • Pembimbing 1 : -Dra. Ella Noorlaela, M.Si., Apt
  • Pembimbing 2 : -Septia Andini, M.Farm., Apt.
  • Abstrak : -FORMULATION HYDROGEL FACE MASK CONTAINING CHICKEN EGGSHELL WITH DIFFERENCE CONCENTRAION OF SODIUM ALGINATE Rachmah Pravita Anggraeni1*), Ella Noorlaela1, Septia Andini2 123Program Studi Farmasi, FMIPA, Universitas Pakuan, Bogor * Corresponding author: Rachmah Pravita Anggraeni Email: co-Author email: Author 2: Author 3: Abstract: Chicken eggshells contains high mineral especially calcium which can be use to skin health. Calcium can be useful to help motility of fibroblast which will help formation of collagen. This study was aimed to determine the best formula of hydrogel face mask, based on physical quality test, determine the most like formula based on hedonic test, and test physical stability at certain temperature storage. The result showed the best formula is F2 with pH 6,116±0,059, Tensile strength 0,5565±0,186 and % elongation 348,36%±31,196, swelling 405,56%±0,880, and shrinkage at 150 minute. Result of hedonic test showed the most like formula is F2. Result physical stability test showed F2 of hydrogel face mask is not syneresis and relatively more stable in cold temperature storage (4±2°C). Keyword: Chicken Eggshells, Hydrogel Face Mask, Sodium Alginate
  • Program Studi : Farmasi